Start your health check at DSM today


Activating your code for the Personal Health Check is the first step towards gaining more control over your health. How healthy are you really and what can you do to improve your health? Find out for yourself!

How does it work?

Fill out the online questionnaire

This should take around 25 minutes. You can pause the questionnaire at any time and continue later on.

Insight into your health

Finished everything? You can see how healthy you are at a single glance, including any potential health risks and the kinds of improvements you can make to reduce these.

Get started right away

You receive handy tips to get started, whether on your own or with professional guidance from experts selected especially for you.

Why participate?

Insight into your health and vitality

Quite a few diseases and ailments are caused by only ten factors. What are your personal risks? For example, 25% of the Dutch population between the ages of 30 and 70 has high total cholesterol. Once you know how healthy and vital you really are, you know what kinds of improvements you can make.


You can easily put together your own personal health check using the various online questionnaires and home tests of your choice.


A total of 64% of participants are motivated after completing the check to start working on their health. For example, 76% improve their diet and 59% start getting more exercise using the tips from the check!

Personal health environment

Get insight into your health and vitality and get handy and motivational tips to get started either on your own or with professional guidance. And all of this from your own personal online health environment.

Safe & reliable

Your privacy is our top priority. So, it goes without saying that the health check processes your data confidentially. Read more about your privacy


A healthier life is within easy reach for everyone. You can easily register through our website. We also have a mobile app. Don’t worry, we explain every step of the process.

Package reimbursed by DSM

Via your employer you can do the following modules of the Personal Health Check free of charge.

When you participate in the Personal Health Check, you create a personal health environment on an online, secure platform. Only for you. From here you can start the online questionnaires, enter your measurements (height, weight, waist circumference and blood pressure) and view your results. Here you will also find useful tips to get started. Independently or with professional parties that have been selected for you to work with. Everything without obligation and only if you want to.

Tell us more about your exercise, nutrition, smoking and alcohol behavior and relaxation. But also about your medical history and whether there are diseases or disorders in your family. It is an online questionnaire that will take you about 20 minutes. We mainly look at factors that influence your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and mental problems. So that you know what you can do yourself to improve this yourself. Note: You may not be able to list all your specific health problems in the questionnaire.

Everyone is sometimes busy, anxious or depressed. That in itself is nothing special. We only speak of a disorder if a psychological complaint interferes with daily life.

Disorders come in all shapes and sizes and often have a major impact on daily life. The three most common complaints are: not being able to sleep well, worrying and too much stress. This can have unpleasant consequences. When the complaints become a disorder, every day is a challenge. It is then difficult to lead a normal life, to maintain contacts, to go to school or to work.

The online questionnaire* looks at anxiety, depression and burnout. If it turns out that you experience more complaints than you should, you will be referred to parties or professional guidance that can help you further.

*The questionnaire has been scientifically validated.

Physical or mental overload at work can have major consequences. Think of back, neck or shoulder pain, but also work stress. By identifying work stress or factors that can cause work stress in time, you can prevent burnout. And you keep the pleasure in your work.

In this online questionnaire you answer questions about both your mental work balance (what you can handle at work, which energy sources and stressors you experience, whether you get energy from your work) and your physical work balance (complaints about back, neck, arms and shoulders). With this module you map out your risks and you know how you can prevent risks related to your work.

When you incur hearing damage, this is often permanent. Loud music, concerts and headphones lead to an increase in hearing damage, especially among young people. Think of deafness or tinnitus. Do you still hear everything well? Or do you misunderstand your friends at a party or in a large group? Make sure you are there on time to prevent worse.

This module consists of an online questionnaire. If it turns out that there is (potential) hearing damage, you will be referred to parties that can help you further.

This module consists of an online questionnaire that focuses on risks and complaints related to eye function. This module is especially suitable if you work in front of a screen for a long time every day. Early detection of eye complaints and poor vision can prevent worse.

Nearly 400,000 people preceded you

Ontwikkeld in samenwerking met:

Longfonds Hartstichting Diabetes Fonds GGD GHOR Nierstichting

Frequently Asked Questions

Via a secure, personal health account, all Dutch people from the age of 18 can establish, improve and monitor their personal health report based on current scientific knowledge. Anyone can create a personal health account via the website and use the unique code to access the Persoonlijke Gezondheidscheck with online questionnaires and additional tests. A code can be provided if your insurer/employer/municipality pays for the check. Otherwise, you can also participate for a fee. Depending on the participation, the additional tests are performed at home or at a checkpoint.

For anyone aged 18 and older who wants insight into their health and what they can do to live a healthier life if necessary. See next question for the exceptions.

If you have received an invitation with a voucher code, you have to enter it during the registration to gain access to the modules free of charge. If you forget, the page for private participation will show. If you see this page and you have a voucher code, please send an email to The Servicedesk will change the settings of your account so you can restart your registration and fill in the code.
It is also possible that you selected a module that is not covered by your health insurer, employer or municipality. If this is the case, you will have to pay for the module or remove it from the chosen modules.

Read more about which information &niped collects, how it stays protected and what your rights are in our privacy statement.

Your employer does not receive any insight of your medical information or your personal account.

Your employer can ask for a company report with medical information on group level (minimum of 30 participants for a report). This information is anonymous and cannot be traced back to any individual. If a company has less than 30 employees, a company report will not be offered.

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